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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Skeith

Visit Savannah Project - Post #01

Welcome to my process blog for the Visit Savannah Project for VSFX408-02 at SCAD! This blog will be continuously updated through a series of posts detailing and documenting my work on this collaborative team project.

Meet the team!

Kaitlyn Kearns: Compositing

Jadyn Murphy: Compositing

Alexis Behilo: CG

Amanda Skeith (Me!): CG

Shane Guion: VFX Coordination

I am one of the CG artists on this team. Alexis and I will each be responsible for two photorealistic fully CG shots. For my two shots, I plan to complete all modeling, look development, texturing, lighting, and rendering, and possibly compositing as well depending on production needs.

Concept: A love letter to our favorite places in Savannah we have come to love over the last four years, in the form of a mock Visit Savannah advertisement.

Below is the presentation we worked on together to present our concept and current plans.

(Presentation template from SlidesGo)

Visit Savannah Reference Video

Original Previs Video (Note: Some shots have been updated or added, as shown in the shot list in the presentation above.)

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